Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yarn sort, sort of...

So! After the most boring winter on record in Utah, (I skied a whopping 8 times) I am turning my attention to sewing and I'm putting knitting to bed for now... The good news is, I was able to finish up a few projects. However, the winter blues have left me feeling like I need to get organized!  My yarn up until now has been living in a couple of baskets from World Market, as well as a couple of plastic tote bins. I know what you're thinking, I'm committing a crime against all yarn. So, I decided to organize and sort.

I ended up donating most of my acrylic yarn to a local knitting group who knits for charity.  I think that that was a worthy cause, and I was able to reduce my stash to a more manageable level. Additionally, I'm able to actually see what I have and stop buying duplicates.

I've been thinking long and hard about how to organize my stash. I also sought the counsel of Pinterest and of course my trusty sidekick, Chopper! He mostly sleeps while I'm working hard, and only occassionally lets out a sigh.

Here is my stash in progress. I organized my yarn by color, and sorted it into these great Ikea baskets that cost $2.50 each or $1.99 if you sign up for their free "Family Plan."  My organization project has had me criss crossing the Salt Lake valley in search of the perfect bins, we'll see if these make the final cut. I may not have as much yarn as some of you crazy knitters out there, but I think it's a good start!

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